Following a long term illness of my Mam and her subsequent passing I was feeling pretty low and lost interest in looking after myself and ended up putting on a fair bit of weight.
However in April 2014 following some encouragement from my wife Avril I decided to phone the Edge for some advice. Andrew answered and after a few minutes conversation a visit to the gym was organised for an assessment. Calling to the gym I was a bit surprised how small it seemed but in talking to Andrew I quickly learned that what they were offering was a very focused, goal oriented fitness regime.
I also quickly learned you can train as much as you want but if you weren’t matching it with what you eat then you’re not going to get the full benefit and this was well covered in the initial chat we had. I decided then that this was the right place to come to to get me on the road to feeling and looking better so a programme was agreed and off we went. When I started I was 102kg in weight and my initial target was to get to 93kg. It took till July to achieve this and I just decided to keep going so after 10 months I’ve lost 21kgs and 9% in body fat and am still going strong and enjoying every minute of it.
A big thanks has to go to Andrew who I’ve been working with since joining The Edge. His advice, motivation and great programme planning has made the journey all the more enjoyable and more successful with him helping keep me on track whenever I’ve struggled. I suppose what made me realise how important it was to feeling better and fitter was when after a few weeks the kids turned round to me and said it was great to see you smiling again!