“My bodyfat dropped from 14.4% to 7.99%, my strength had gone up and my arm was in alot better shape”
I came to the Edge: Clontarf in june 2009 with the goal of increasing lean muscle mass, dropping unwanted bodyfat and increasing his relative strength needed for rugby. Anobsticle that I had to work around was that I had broke my ulna a month beforehand playing rugby. I was given a sport specific program with my goals in mind and also my injury taken into account. Within 3 weeks on my program the results were very visible, my bodyfat dropped from 14.4% to 7.99%, my strength had gone up and my arm was in alot better shape.
3 months into his program at The Edge: Clontarf John was at 4.7% bodyfat and increased hos lean mass by 6.2kg.